
外国人中国永久居留证条件 外国人如何申请中国永久居留证

探索发现 Faker 3年前 (2022-07-13) 1750次浏览 已收录

很多外国人想加入中国国籍或者在中国长期生活,比如天选华子 最爱中国恨不得马上变成中国人的韩援doinb,但是doinb到现在为止也还没有成功加入中国国籍或者取得外国人中国永久居留证。




 today continue to introduce another policy of permanent residence application.Foreigners who need to apply for permanent residence in Shenzhen may consider whether they meet the policy requirements according to their actual conditions.




Foreigners who meet the following conditions may apply for foreigner permanent residence cards for reunions between husband and wife:


To marry a Chinese citizen (with permanent residence registration in Shenzhen) or a foreigner who has obtained permanent residence status in China;


Marriage has lasted for at least five years;


To have resided in China for a continuous period of not less than five years and for no less than nine months each year;


Having a stable livelihood guarantee and a residence;


  1. 《外国人在中国永久居留申请表(夫妻团聚人员)》及四张蓝底两寸彩色照片,附相片电子数据光盘。Application form for permanent residence of foreigners in China (Employee) and four two inch photos with blue background and the photo digital data CD.
  2. 有效护照及签证证件原件,提交复印件(递交自申请之日前五年内的,无须复印入境章页)。申请人须满足近五年已在中国连续居留满五年且每年连续在华停留时间不少于九个月。Original copies of valid passport and visa certificates(no copies of entry seal pages are required within 5 years prior to the date of application). Applicants must have resided in China continuously for at least five years in the past five years and have stayed in China continuously for at least nine months each year.
  3. 申请时应满足法定婚姻关系登记满5年且仍存续,提交《结婚证》或经公证的婚姻关系证明以及结婚证上的护照复印件,(境外文件须认证和翻译)The marriage certificate or notarized marriage certificate and the copy of passport on the marriage certificate shall be submitted when the legal marriage relationship has been registered for 5 years and still exists. (Overseas documents shall be authenticated and translated.)
  4. 配偶的深圳居民身份证及常住户籍证明(户口簿的“婚姻状况”一栏应为“已婚”或注有配偶姓名)。The shenzhen Resident IDENTITY card and permanent residence certificate of the spouse (the “marital status” column in the household register should be “married” or marked with the spouse’s name).
  5. 经公证的《深圳房产证明》或《房屋租赁合同》。Notarized “Shenzhen Real Estate Certificate” or “House Lease Contract”
  6. 经公证的本人或配偶的不低于二十万元冻结一年以上的《深圳存款证明》,交原件。The original notarized of the Shenzhen Deposit of applicant or spouse, which has been frozen for at least one year and is not less than 200,000 yuan.
  7. 经公证的配偶经济担保声明书。(若提供的房产证产权不属于申请人的,配偶一方在担保声明书中须声明无偿提供住所和经济担保。)Notarized declaration of spouse’s financial guarantee. (If the property ownership certificate does not belong to the applicant, one of the spouses shall declare in the guarantee statement that the residence and financial guarantee are provided free of charge.)
  8. 所属国有关部门出具的经中国驻外使、领馆认证的国外无犯罪记录证明(连续居留两年以上的国家或地区均须提交,证明须经中国驻外使领馆认证,且证明及经中国驻外使领馆的认证出具时间应在受理之日前三个月内;并由深圳翻译公司将姓名翻译为英文,其它内容翻译成中文,盖骑缝章,交翻译件及翻译公司营业执照复印件);A certificate of no criminal record issued by the relevant department of home country and authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad (countries or regions with continuous residence of more than two years shall be submitted, the certificate shall be authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad, and the certificate and the certificate issued by the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad shall be issued within three months before the date of acceptance; Shenzhen translation Company shall translate the name into English, other contents into Chinese, stamp the cross-page seal, and submit the translation and a copy of the translation company’s business license);
  9. 中国政府指定的卫生检疫部门(深圳为皇岗口岸医院)出具的或者经中国驻外使、领馆认证的外国卫生医疗机构签发的健康证明书(自签发日起六个月内有效);Health certificate issued by the health and quarantine department designated by the Chinese government (Huanggang Port Hospital in Shenzhen) or issued by a foreign health and medical institution authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad (valid within 6 months from the date of issue);
  10. 《境外人员临时住宿登记表》;Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Overseas Visitors;
  11. 申请人个人简历(18周岁至今,要求年份和月份之间连续)。如申请人曾具有中国国籍的,简历中须详细说明:出生信息、某年某月以何种身份出境、何时何地取得外国永久居留权、何时何地加入外国国籍,并提供①《退出中国国籍证书》或原国内户籍注销证明(原户籍所在地派出所出具)②出境前往国外(以现持用外国护照标注的国籍为准)留学或定居时所持用的中国护照;③入外国国籍证书(需翻译)。申请人同时持有香港或澳门身份证的,需提供香港或澳门入境事务管理部门出具的《不具有中国国籍说明书》。如另有联系人,需要提交联系人身份证明复印件。Resume of applicant (18 years old to date, year and month are required). If the applicant who have Chinese nationality, your resume must specify: birth information, in what identity once upon exit when and where, when and where to obtain foreign permanent residence, to join the foreign nationality, and to provide (1) the renunciation of Chinese nationality certificate or the original domestic household registration cancellation certificate (the original census register seat station) (2) to leave the country to foreign (now with a foreign passport annotation nationality shall prevail) study or settled when held by the Chinese passport; Certificate of naturalization as a foreign national (translation required). If the applicant holds a Hong Kong or Macao identity card at the same time, he/she shall provide a “Statement of not Having Chinese Nationality” issued by the immigration authorities of Hong Kong or Macao. If you have another contact person, you need to submit a copy of the contact person’s identification.
  12. 公安机关认为必须提供的其他证明材料。Other supporting materials that the public security bureau deems necessary.

根据目前情况,有关事项需要公安机关调查核实的,调查时间不计入工作日,审批时间约需要一年左右。According to the current situation, if the relevant matters need to be investigated and verified by the public security bureau, the investigation time shall not be included in the working day, and the examination and approval time shall be about one year.


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