很多游戏主播玩过的那款跑酷游戏《Only UP》居然从steam无期限下架了,也可以说是永久下架了,这款游戏虽然饱受争议,但是热度还是挺高的,我看很多很多人玩过,虽然玩的时候血压高,但是很多人还是耐着性子玩完了。
超人气主播爱用游戏《Only UP》作者Indiesolodev宣布即将于近日下架steam,谈到原因是自从开发《Only UP》后心理压力过大,平复心情后将制作新游《Kith》(暂名)。
在《只有UP!》中,你是一个来自贫民区的年轻少年杰基,想摆脱贫困,踏上了解世界和自己的旅程。 这个世界肯定已经疯了,虽然它从未正常过,但也许现在是你的机会。危机是采取行动和果断步骤的时候……只不过它很可怕,因为每一步都可能让你退得很远。有时很难选择正确的道路,但不要害怕,你总是可以重复,我们从错误中学习。
对游戏进行了小改动,修复了某些地方的碰撞,进行了小幅优化。 还删除了不必要的台词,这些台词为涉及童年记忆的游戏定下了错误的基调。 很多小变化。
我是一名独立开发者,这款游戏是我在 Gamedev 的第一次体验,我做这款游戏是为了创造力,为了测试自己,但我犯了很多错误。 这几个月来,这个游戏让我承受着很大的压力。 现在我想把比赛抛在脑后。 是的。 这款游戏不会很快在 Steam 商店上架,这是我自己决定的。 我现在需要的是心灵的平静和治愈。 我计划暂停一下,继续接受游戏设计方面的教育,并进一步利用新的经验和知识,将我的精力投入到我的下一款游戏,暂定名为“Kith”——这将是一种新的体验和现实主义的新概念, 完全不同的类型和背景,重点是电影摄影。 这次我希望这个项目是由一个小团队创建的。 这是一个具有挑战性的项目,我想在其中显着提高我的游戏设计技能。
Hi everyone, waifu is back, thanks Aboulicious.
Minor changes to the game, fixed collisions in some places, minor optimization. Also removed unnecessary lines that set the wrong tone for a game referring to childhood memories. A lot of small changes.
I’m a solo developer and this game is my first experience in Gamedev, a game I did for creativity, to test myself, and where I made a lot of mistakes. The game has kept me under a lot of stress all these months. Now I want to put the game behind me. And yes. the game won’t be available in the steam store soon, that’s what I decided myself. What I need now is peace of mind and healing. I plan to take a pause, and continue my education in game design and further with new experience and knowledge to direct my energies to my next game with the working title “Kith” – it will be a new experience and a new concept with realism, a completely different genre and setting, and the emphasis is on cinematography. This time I hope the project will be created by a small team. This is a challenging project on which I want to significantly improve my skills in game design.
Thank you for your understanding.